New Beginnings: Daniel McChesney, New Jenks Boys Varsity Basketball Coach
With the exciting buzz of fall sports ramping up, we slowly creep into basketball season. The boy’s basketball team is a highly favored sport at Jenks. As the Jenks community packs the Frank Herald Gym, the constant exciting energy is brought to each basketball game. The only thing different about this season? A new head coach. Daniel McChesney, head coach for the Jenks Varsity Boys Basketball team, is the latest addition to the upcoming season.
Jenks Athletes Battle Record Heat
Imagine you are on the field under the blistering sun, heart pounding, sweat dripping down your face. You feel the sun beams hit your back as exhaustion overcomes you. Every day is the same. Same burning sun, same draining drills. Your breath is shaky and your body is about to give out, but a surge of pure adrenaline rushes through your veins.
Money, Money, Money: The Fundraising Behind the Jenks Pom Fashion Show
Bright lights, long ball gowns, and disco music. All of these are what make up the annual Jenks Pom Fashion Show. On Tuesday, September 12, the PAC held this program's main fundraiser for the year. But what is this money going towards?
Pass… Set… Kill!: Jenks Volleyball is Taking Down Their Competition
The Jenks Volleyball teams are jumping into their 2023-2024 season! On and off the court, the athletes have been putting in the work to improve their skills and get ready to fight for their states titles.
A New Era: Trojan TV Broadcasting
It’s a Friday night in Jenks, Oklahoma as the entire community comes together to watch the Trojans play football. The sidelines are filled with supporters and athletes tediously watching the game. A new edition can be found clustered on the sidelines this year. Spotted with a large camera and a microphone, the students of the Trojan TV program can be found covering the exciting action.
State Culture: The Effects On Jenks
198. That’s how many state championships Jenks High School has won, ranging from football to baseball to swimming, all the way to tennis. For context: Union, BA, and Bixby combined have 192. As Jenks keeps racking up championships through the years, it has set a pretty high standard for our athletes. It can feel like “ordinary” is never enough–even coming in second place is a loss. I’m diving deep and talking with Jenks Varsity tennis players, Krishna Bhadjiru (9), and Varsity football player Jace Hager (10), to talk about the pressures of Jenks standards and “state culture.”
Women In Sports: Time for a Change
On a Friday night football game, looking into the stands, you see bleachers filled with students. Screaming and cheering as the boys play on the field. Excitement is filled in the air and the mood is bright. When you go to a girl's sports game, the energy is quite different. Not as many supporters in the crowd, and less publicity to share their hard work. Times are changing at Jenks, whether we like it or not, and women in sports should start being embraced and not criticized.
Jenks Football Season Preview
The Jenks Football Team will win the state championship in 2023-24, and here is why.
After winning back to back state championships in the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 seasons, our Trojans fell just short of three peating last season after they were unfairly cheated against the Bixby Spartans. However, the Trojans have already reloaded, and will win this year’s state championship with ease. My name is Jack Denney, and I am the president of the Superfans club, as well as an avid watcher of football on all levels, ranging from High school to Professional. Today I will be reviewing the Trojans schedule, reviewing it, and giving my game predictions.
Why Aren’t Games Broadcasted at Jenks?
At Jenks, it feels like there’s something always going on. Especially when it revolves around sports, where Jenks strongly excels at. Amongst most sports, Jenks has over 200+ state championships. The surrounding school districts simply can’t compete. Union, Broken Arrow, and Bixby combine for just under 200 championships. Except for maybe a few outliers, barely any of these amazing games are streamed for viewers at home. Bixby, Owasso, and Broken Arrow all broadcast their games, so why can’t we?
Headed Into The College Football Playoff
The College Football landscape has been tossed, turned, and flipped upside down since the beginning of the season in August. Preseason playoff hopefuls such as Oklahoma, Texas A&M, and Michigan State, find themselves unranked four months later, only to be replaced by surprises of the season such as Washington, Kansas State, and LSU. However, the previous three teams mentioned are out in terms of a shot at the College Football playoff. As an avid watcher of football for the past decade, I have culminated a deeper level of understanding for the game. In this article, I’m going to be analyzing and predicting the current ranked Top 6 Teams leading up to the College Football Playoff.
Trojan Hoops, the Future of Basketball At Jenks
Commitment, dedication, and passion, landed two juniors their own basketball team. Reese Watson and Cameron Anderson started coaching their fifth grade team via Trojan Hoops, a program that forms teams and lets them compete with each other.
Trenna and the Trojans
It was just another game when suddenly, bam! Trenna Walls, the first female member of the Jenks Boys’ Football Team to play, gets tackled.
“You Cheer like a Girl”: The Toughness and Resilience of Being a Jenks Cheerleader
Wake up, go to school, practice - an endless cycle for most athletes at Jenks. Our bodies have become so used to these routines to perfect our crafts. Imagine working hard every day, all year round, just to receive feedback that what you are doing is not considered a “sport.” Jenks Cheer members experience this kind of criticism on a day-to-day basis but have to keep pushing forward. Savvy Travis, Sophomore, on the Jenks Varsity Cheer Team, talks about how the public view on cheer has an impact on her team.
The Freshman Fanatic: Meet Krishna Bhadrirju
The racket swings up as the ball is tossed in the air. The whip of his wrist creates power from his body as he makes contact with the ball and skids past the opponent. The crowd goes wild. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Krishna Bhadrirju, a 9th grader at Jenks High School. Bhadrirju has been playing tennis since he was 7 years old. This is an incredible accomplishment for Bhadrirju. The #1 and 2 on our JHS team are the top 3 in the state. Being right below them as a freshman is a big opportunity. This effort has paid off, Bhadrirju is already ranked 3rd on the team lineup. The work Bhadrirju puts in clearly is represented by his rank. But when he started, he wasn’t playing competitively, he was just having fun.