The Impact of the Federal Grant Freeze on Nonprofit Organizations: A Focus on New Hope Oklahoma
According to The New York Times, in late January 2025, the Trump administration announced a temporary freeze on federal grants and financial assistance, aiming to reassess funding allocations in line with new policy directives. This decision has had widespread implications for nonprofit organizations across the nation, including those in Oklahoma.
Finals Exemption: Clearing Class Confusion
At the start of second semester, the preexisting finals exemption policy was widened to underclassmen. In hopes to communicate what the policies guidelines were, site principal David Beiler sent an email to the entire student body. After this official email announcement, I found that I, along with many of my peers, were riddled with confusion on what absences counted, how they were counted, and what is excused.
Blue Collar vs. Pink Collar: The Stigma Behind Male Nurses
Chances are, if you’ve ever been to a hospital, you’ve been cared for by a nurse. Regardless of whether they were male or female, their gender likely wasn’t your focus—or at least, it shouldn’t have been.
The Price of Parking: What are We Really Paying For?
Every year the Jenks High School students who can drive have to make a decision to either pay for a $30 parking pass or take the hot and smelly bus to school every day. But why should we have to pay to park? Every year I hear lots of complaints from students about having to fill out long forms and pay the school and a lot of the students questioning what even is the point, what are they doing with our money, and how much do they even get from making us pay? After researching this, I have found that it makes no sense for us to have to pay.
Life With A Late Diagnosis: The Reality of Mental Health
Now that I’ve started antidepressants and ADHD medication, I started to look back and realize common signs with people who have ADHD. During reading time, I’d glance up to see the rest of my classmates deeply immersed into their novels; while I’m still struggling to read, rereading the same page or line hundreds of times. It’s hard to stay focused, to stay still, you fidget your pen and bounce your leg under the seat just in order to focus half as well. Even if you thought you had ADHD, you feel way behind the game as everyone else in school who has ADHD was diagnosed when they were still basically in diapers and you’re reaching adulthood. Over 75% of adults who were diagnosed with ADHD hadn't been diagnosed in their childhood. Growing up with undiagnosed disorders is just as damaging, if not more damaging, than an early diagnosis. However, it is still extremely beneficial to find out and get tested.
Her Voice: Unveiling the Power of Women in the Church
The question of women leadership in the church has been debated for centuries. As society grows to accept women's voices, the question resurfaces: Should women hold a position of power in the church?
What it means to be an American: An Immigration Experience
Being an American means being free. Being American is essentially the dream that millions around the world yearn for. Being in America is liberating—it's the goal. At least that’s what we’re taught, but what is being American really?
A Very Utica Square Christmas: A Review of Your Favorite Shopping Center’s Christmas Decor
Welcome to Tulsa’s very own Utica Square at Christmas: Known for its classic charm and holiday spirit, Utica Square becomes a winter wonderland each December. This review features the most iconic pieces of the Utica Square festivities and most accessorized stores. Be prepared to take a journey through Pottery Barn, Amber Marie, and Glacier Chocolate to explore their Christmas decorations for the 2024 season with a few surprises here and there. Be on the lookout for the holidays most memorable nut-cracking tool.
7 Brew: Review of a Coffee Shop Coming Near You
Like many other high school students I have a severe caffeine addiction and usually can’t go a day without consuming some form of it. Whether it be coffee or an energy drink I have tried so many different kinds. We’ve all tried the current chain coffee shops by our school like Starbucks and Dutch Bros, but a new phenomenon is currently being built, and it's known as 7 Brew.
Where to Study (or Not): Rating the Tulsa Public Libraries
Every time I try to study in my house I feel like I'm the least productive person to exist. From wanting to crawl back into my warm bed and just go to sleep or my brothers screaming while playing some video game studying at home is just insanely difficult, but if I studied in a cafe every day my bank account would cry at the cost of having to buy some overpriced coffee just for a quiet warm place with wifi to get some homework done. Luckily libraries exist to give you a free study space with wifi. In this article, I’m going to rate the different public libraries all within eight miles of the school. I will rate the libraries on a scale of one to ten based on their noise level, their vibe and aesthetic, their seating, and their charging stations because we all know the school-assigned Chromebook's battery life is non-existent. Rating these libraries I’ll start off with the closest to the high school being only 0.4 miles away, and the smallest library I visited, and then will work our way out to the furthest library being just less than eight miles away.
Chocolate taste tester: Is the money worth it?
There seems to be one candy you can always guarantee worldwide: chocolate. Everyone has a certain type of chocolate that they make. Whether it be super authentic chocolate or not, there’s always some type of chocolate bar nearby.
Spill The Tea: Peace Tea Review
I, Isabella Banaro, am a devout Peace Tea drinker. I love sweet tea and have enjoyed the taste of many sweetened and flavored teas in my day. However, in my eyes, after trying teas from many, many brands and restaurants… One remains the best: Peace Tea. I drink Peace Teas multiple times a week - my bank account is crying - and I have to restrain myself from partaking in them daily. Here, I have ranked the (available) flavors from my least to most favorite. So, here are the four available flavors (or “colors”) that you can find at your local QT. Unless you live in Canada, they have many more available flavors there apparently.
Jenks Boys Cross Country Is Ready to Turn Heads
Jenks Cross Country is confident and ready to change the narrative. Assistant coach Michael Daniels and head coach James Strahorn are ready to push their team and are adamant that Jenks Cross Country could surprise people and make a push for a state title. Jenks Cross Country has had struggles on the men’s side as their last title came almost a decade ago in 2015.
Mr. Breig: The Teacher Who Can Do It All
Everyone knows Mr. Breig, but we all know him in different ways. As you take a deeper dive into who he really is, apart from being your science teacher, you might be really surprised. For some people he’s a dad, while for others he is the head of the science department at Jenks. A is coach to some and a church leader to others but in all, he is Mr. Breig. He’s the teacher who lives 20 lives.
Master of Teaching
Curt Sharp is a teacher here at Jenks High School where he teaches an assortment of classes from Leadership, Government and U.S. History. However he has a rather unique background, he has traveled to Eastern Europe and Guinea to even South America. He even spent 6 years in the Philippines, where he taught multiple different subjects to a variety of cultures.
Faith, Friendship, and Purpose: The Mission of Jenks Jesus Club
Imagine a place where faith comes alive, friendships are built on shared beliefs, and every conversation is filled with purpose. Welcome to Jenks Jesus Club, where students gather not just to grow spiritually but to make a real difference in each other’s lives.
From the Classroom to the Country: Exploring the Global Course
In a unique class at Jenks Middle School, students take learning to a new level. Students spend 6 months rigorously studying the culture, history, and language of a specific country. Then in February they get to experience an unforgettable trip where they visit the country they have spent months studying. That class is known as Global.
A Look Into Carter Jackson’s Eventing Career
When most people are little their parents put them in sports like soccer, dance, football, or cheer. But not everyone actually continues with these sports as they grow up, they usually try out new things until they find what sticks. Carter Jackson, senior at Jenks High School, used to cheer when she was younger and her dad wanted to guarantee she did not stick with it. So he sent her to horse camp.
Hanna’s Hustles: The Go-To Girl of Jenks
From coach to teacher, photographer to entrepreneur, Hanna Giddens does it all. Whether you find yourself at a Jenks Basketball game, in need of epic photos or looking for a great history teacher, she’s your go to girl. “Coach Giddens” as most Jenks students refer to her as, is a powerhouse within the Jenks High School community.
A Glimpse of the Future: Exploring Student Internships at JHS
From designing houses, to helping deaf kids learn, to even lending a hand in the fight against human trafficking, Jenks high school seniors can explore a plethora of opportunities in just about any field in their internships.