The Price of Parking: What are We Really Paying For?
Every year the Jenks High School students who can drive have to make a decision to either pay for a $30 parking pass or take the hot and smelly bus to school every day. But why should we have to pay to park? Every year I hear lots of complaints from students about having to fill out long forms and pay the school and a lot of the students questioning what even is the point, what are they doing with our money, and how much do they even get from making us pay? After researching this, I have found that it makes no sense for us to have to pay.
Life With A Late Diagnosis: The Reality of Mental Health
Now that I’ve started antidepressants and ADHD medication, I started to look back and realize common signs with people who have ADHD. During reading time, I’d glance up to see the rest of my classmates deeply immersed into their novels; while I’m still struggling to read, rereading the same page or line hundreds of times. It’s hard to stay focused, to stay still, you fidget your pen and bounce your leg under the seat just in order to focus half as well. Even if you thought you had ADHD, you feel way behind the game as everyone else in school who has ADHD was diagnosed when they were still basically in diapers and you’re reaching adulthood. Over 75% of adults who were diagnosed with ADHD hadn't been diagnosed in their childhood. Growing up with undiagnosed disorders is just as damaging, if not more damaging, than an early diagnosis. However, it is still extremely beneficial to find out and get tested.
Semester At Sea: Is The Experience Worth The Money?
Imagine you wake up, get ready for the day, and prepare for your set of classes. You walk outside, and admire your view of a wide and endless stretch of ocean and bright blue sky. This is the reality for students aboard the semester at sea ship.
Protecting Intellectual Freedom at Jenks High School
Imagine starting a new book, getting a few chapters in, and finding that this new book speaks to you in ways that no book ever has. The characters, the story, and the overarching message makes you feel so understood in a world that doesn’t quite understand you. Now imagine that book being ripped away from you. Each page being torn, crumpled, gone. Banned
Top 3 Underrated Teams at Jenks and Top 3 Reasons You Should See Them
A tactical tackle, the whisper of a wack, a daring dribble; all of these are common actions of many little-miss-not-so-popular sports. In a world dictated by whichever sport yells the loudest, hits the hardest, and asserts the most dominance, many passive sports get overlooked.
A Year in Review: Jenks Football’s 2023 Season
It is November in Jenks High School which can only mean one thing; It’s playoff time for the football team. However, before we enter into the realm of the ‘yoffs, it’s best to take a moment and reflect on just how good this team has been in 2023. My name is Jack Denney, the president of the Jenks Superfans, and I have had a front-row seat to every single football game that the Jenks Trojans have played in my senior year. However, not everything was sunshine and rainbows this season for the Trojans and I am here to review and grade just how well our Trojans have done.
The Jenks Throwers
“HEADS!” As you walk out of the track locker room a circular shadow flies above your head as a big burly thrower yells at you. You look up in horror as a disk flies right by your head. You stand there in shock as another disk flies through the air, thankfully much farther away than the first. As a tall, bulky thrower walks over to retrieve their disk, you scurry back-to-track practice.
New Beginnings: Daniel McChesney, New Jenks Boys Varsity Basketball Coach
With the exciting buzz of fall sports ramping up, we slowly creep into basketball season. The boy’s basketball team is a highly favored sport at Jenks. As the Jenks community packs the Frank Herald Gym, the constant exciting energy is brought to each basketball game. The only thing different about this season? A new head coach. Daniel McChesney, head coach for the Jenks Varsity Boys Basketball team, is the latest addition to the upcoming season.
Meet Elaine Gao: a Self-Published 16 Year Old
Elaine Gao, a junior at Jenks high school published her first novel, “The Oracle,” on September 26, 2022. She spent eight months writing it and over a year getting it published, but at last her work has come to fruition.
M.A.D. at Jenks
In this album review, Aiden Acebo and Jack Mcinelly will rate Drake's joint album with 21 savage. They'll give their likes, and dislikes. They're going 1 by 1 and give their honest opinion on the songs. Then, they'll rate them 1-16. Come and check it out, M.A.D. at Jenks, of the Her Loss album review.
The Freshman Fanatic: Meet Krishna Bhadrirju
The racket swings up as the ball is tossed in the air. The whip of his wrist creates power from his body as he makes contact with the ball and skids past the opponent. The crowd goes wild. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Krishna Bhadrirju, a 9th grader at Jenks High School. Bhadrirju has been playing tennis since he was 7 years old. This is an incredible accomplishment for Bhadrirju. The #1 and 2 on our JHS team are the top 3 in the state. Being right below them as a freshman is a big opportunity. This effort has paid off, Bhadrirju is already ranked 3rd on the team lineup. The work Bhadrirju puts in clearly is represented by his rank. But when he started, he wasn’t playing competitively, he was just having fun.
No Free Lunch: The Effect on Jenks Students
For the last two years, Jenks Public Schools has provided free lunch for all of its students. However, this year is different. Since the pandemic is in decline, the USDA has also made a change: they are no longer funding schools to provide universally free lunches.
“It’s Just a Broken Collarbone:” Injured Football Players
Football at Jenks is everything.
When Jenks students go to football games, what do we see? We see a bunch of sweaty, muscular boys tackle each other and try to get a win. We see boys with their jerseys tucked up, black paint all over their faces; we try to get them to glance at us from the sidelines. But we don’t see the hardships a high school football player goes through to win the games. We don’t see the physical toll the game takes on their bodies. When a high school football player is injured, it can be scary. How do Injured players feel when their future is left on the field?