Finals Exemption: Clearing Class Confusion
At the start of second semester, the preexisting finals exemption policy was widened to underclassmen. In hopes to communicate what the policies guidelines were, site principal David Beiler sent an email to the entire student body. After this official email announcement, I found that I, along with many of my peers, were riddled with confusion on what absences counted, how they were counted, and what is excused.
Spill The Tea: Peace Tea Review
I, Isabella Banaro, am a devout Peace Tea drinker. I love sweet tea and have enjoyed the taste of many sweetened and flavored teas in my day. However, in my eyes, after trying teas from many, many brands and restaurants… One remains the best: Peace Tea. I drink Peace Teas multiple times a week - my bank account is crying - and I have to restrain myself from partaking in them daily. Here, I have ranked the (available) flavors from my least to most favorite. So, here are the four available flavors (or “colors”) that you can find at your local QT. Unless you live in Canada, they have many more available flavors there apparently.
Exceeding The Need: JHS’s New Softball Field
Jenks Softball has been around for years providing players with experience and happy memories. And the biggest thing about Jenks softball? They step up to the plate and bring grit and excellence to bat.
Cody Davis: Music Man With A Story
From Jenks, Oklahoma to New York Broadway, Cody Davis has truly lived the “dream,” yet here he is, back in his hometown making a way in the arts for others at his Alma Mater.
Campus Construction: The Blueprint Behind Campus Changes
The first day of school; for some it’s exciting, for others it’s the start of just another year. After the same usual struggle of finding parking, you take a look around, expecting nothing different, only to find two arches marking the main entrance, and construction workers putting in turf and concrete benches in tapped off areas. These small add-ons to campus are cute, but what is the reasoning behind it?
“Intro to America”: Newcomer Government Class Creates A Safe Space For Adolescents As They Enter A New World
Fluorescent lighting burns your eyes, hundreds, thousands, of new faces, floating around you occasionally bumping your shoulder muttering a quick “sorry” as they rush into small rooms that decorate the beige-brick walls. A dull panic sets in your chest, anticipation pulsing through your blood, millions of questions and concerns crowding your mind all at once.
Academic Culture: The Effect On Students
Jenks High School has always had a “Tradition of Excellence,” proudly displaying the achievements of its students, complete with an ACT and AP score wall, and National Merit plaques. But how does pursuing that “excellence” affect Jenks students?