Reality Shows: Relevant or Not?
Whether it’s about dating, self help, competition, makeover’s, games, or even family shows- there is a reality TV show about pretty much anything. The vastness of Reality T.V makes it impossible to find a show that you don’t like just a little, there is something for all to enjoy.
Semester At Sea: Is The Experience Worth The Money?
Imagine you wake up, get ready for the day, and prepare for your set of classes. You walk outside, and admire your view of a wide and endless stretch of ocean and bright blue sky. This is the reality for students aboard the semester at sea ship.
The Future of Early Childhood Education: A Profile of Sophie Davis
There are many adventures that take place in a kindergarten classroom each day, both expected and unexpected. Jenks senior Sophie Davis is an aspiring early childhood educator and is currently interning for Laura Winsworth, a Jenks Southeast kindergarten teacher.
The Real Stars of the Show: The Moms Behind the Jenks Pom Fashion Show
A maroon curtain conceals the organized chaos going on backstage. People are running from room to room, gathering groups and getting everyone in order. There’s trails of glitter and sparkles left on the floor and everywhere you look you see a different colored dress.