Chocolate taste tester: Is the money worth it?
By: Crystal Best
Various chocolates. Photo Credit: Full Size Candy Bars.
There seems to be one candy you can always guarantee worldwide: chocolate. Everyone has a certain type of chocolate that they make. Whether it be super authentic chocolate or not, there’s always some type of chocolate bar nearby.
As a chocolate lover, I have had all different types of chocolate at a decent price. Though chocolate seems so simple when you go to the store there are all different types of chocolate brands and prices for each. So I wonder if the brand of the chocolate matters that much and does its price affects its quality?
So I went to two different Walmart stores and got eight different brands of chocolate, all of them being milk chocolate. I’m going to go off of size, affordability, and most important thing taste. I will rate the affordability and taste out of ten. Then I will rank all of the candy bars from one to eight.
Lindor chocolate bar.
1. Lindor
I’ve had Lindor before but not the candy bar form. I had their chocolate balls filled with liquid chocolate which is the bomb, so I had high expectations for the candy bar to be delicious.
Size: Medium
The size of the pieces was a bit bigger than the medium and are pretty thick.
Price: $3.17
Taste: 10/10
Opening the chocolate bar it was also covered in tinfoil like Charlie and the chocolate bar. It smells so strong and like pure chocolate. It was soft and creamy and tasted truly like pure chocolate. They also somehow kept the liquid inside feeling that they are known for but just not as liquidity as the chocolate ball is yet gives the same effect. It instantly also gave me the urge to want another piece.
Hersheys chocolate bar.
2. Hershey
This is a pretty well-known candy bar and can be pretty much found anywhere. I will use this candy bar as kind of a base since one I’ve had it a lot of times and two it’s pretty somewhat an average candy bar.
Size: Medium
The size of the pieces is decent and somewhat matches the size of the candy bar.
Price: $1.32
Taste: 10/10
It tasted sweet and creamy in my mouth. I’ve been a fan of Hershey, and this is definitely one of their fresher bars you get.
Dove chocolate bar.
3. Dove
I couldn’t find the candy bar form of it and had to buy the bag with pieces in it. Supposedly from what I know so far they don’t sell the candy bar form anymore for some weird reason, but maybe it forces those who enjoy it to buy more. I also in the past I’ve had Dove and it was good so I had decent hopes for it.
Size: N/A
The size of the pieces is medium size for it.
Price: $5.46
Taste: 9/10
Opening the bag, the smell of rich milk chocolate instantly hits you. It’s smooth and creamy. It’s sweet and almost melts in your mouth and definitely tastes like a more richer milk chocolate.
Lindt chocolate bar.
4. Lindt
I’ve heard of Lindt before and that is pretty good quality chocolate. I think it could be decent, but it just makes me nervous considering it says Milk on it and they made it seem like it was special since it had milk in it though I feel like milk is in most milk chocolate bars.
Size: Large
The pieces are small and a little bit thick.
Price: $3.37
Taste: 8/10
Opening the chocolate bar, it was covered in tin foil with the inscription of “Lindt master chocolatier.” It smelled kinda like a Crunch bar. It tastes smooth and like the new Crunch bar recipe. It doesn’t really melt in your mouth but has a very satisfying crisp snap when you bite into it.
Bettergoods chocolate bar.
5. Bettergoods
Now, this is like Great Value, I was very suspicious of what it was. I’ve never seen or even heard of this brand before now It was weird and I looked at it and said it supposedly got cocoa beans from Ecuador and Ghana, known places for making quality cocoa beans that make chocolate. That still didn’t make me want to trust it any more than before.
Size: Large
There weren’t defined pieces in the candy bar and instead, there was a carving of what the inside and outside of a cocoa bean looked like. It was cool, but it made it harder to break just a piece.
Price: $2.47
Taste: 7/10
Opening the box, the chocolate is covered in silver tin foil as if it came straight out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It smelt like Dark chocolate again, but this time it did taste like milk chocolate and was very creamy and easily melted in my mouth. But why it does taste like milk chocolate it also tastes a bit like caramel. It seemed like a pretty light candy bar and wasn’t heavy-tasting in my mouth.
Mr. Beast Feastable.
6. Mr. Beast Feastables
Now, I’ve heard a lot about the Feastables and honestly, I think they are possibly overrated considering the main reason it’s popular is because of Mr. Beast. So my hope coming in is pretty neutral since I really don’t know if it’s good or bad, and honestly, I don’t have much expectations other than trying it and seeing if it’s good or not. Though it must be pretty popular considering it was difficult to even find the Milk Chocolate bar. They had every other flavor but this one making it hard to acquire.
Size: Small
The pieces go from medium size to tiny then back again like hopscotch.
Price: $1.52
Taste: 6/10
Opening the candy bar it smelled a little like dark chocolate. It tasted a bit like an almond milk chocolate bar, but it had none in it. Other than that it didn’t really have anything special about it and kind of seemed like a plainish bar but not bad.
Great Value chocolate bar.
7. Great Value
The hopes for the Great Value were low. I have never seen nor knew that they even had a chocolate candy bar, so it wasn’t the most exciting thing to look forward to. Also, the idea of Great Value is pretty low quality which tanked my hopes.
Size: Large
The size of the pieces are also pretty thick and cut in the sizes of about a nickel or quarter.
Taste: 4.5/10
It took a minute to open but when I did, it didn’t exactly smell like how milk chocolate is supposed to. It smelled more bitter than sweet, almost like dark chocolate. When I tasted it, I had to chew a bit more and it didn't really melt in your mouth. Also, it didn’t taste like milk chocolate, it had a more bitter taste and something else that I can’t quite pinpoint to make it taste like Dark chocolate. Though it said Milk chocolate, it most definitely reminds me of Dark chocolate than that. It also felt heavy in my mouth. Either way for Great Value it’s pretty good, but since this is supposed to be a review on milk chocolate candy bars I had to put it a little lower.
Cadbury chocolate bar.
8. Cadbury
I’ve heard about Cadbury chocolate from parents talking about the Cadbury bunnies. They hyped it up a lot, so I have high hopes for it being delicious.
Size: Large
The pieces are medium size and are decently thick.
Price: $2.34
Taste: 0/10
Opening the package, I smelled it, and smelt like some good milk chocolate. I tasted it and it seemed nice until some type of plastic flavor entered my mouth. It was so bad that my eyes literally teared up and I had to take off my glasses. I couldn’t even take another bite to just confirm the taste for sure because of how disgusting it was. Through peer pressure from Dad saying it was good the next day, I tried it again and was completely confused about what happened. It seems that after being opened and sat on the counter overnight, it actually tasted good. It tasted more like 6 or 7 and was actually sweet and creamy. I’ll keep the original rating, but know it could have been better if I didn’t get the awful flavor I got the first time around.
Overall, most of the chocolate wasn’t bad and it seemed that brand didn’t affect how good the chocolate tasted that much, though Great Value did taste like dark chocolate. It seems that even if you want cheap chocolate that you can still get good-tasting chocolate it just depends on your preference whether you want a name brand or are cool with something a little newer.
Chocolate is world-renowned as it is, they are all different from each other but yet have the same goal. To make a good sweet chocolate that can help you in any situation whether that be sad or happy. The little things are sometimes all you need to have a better day, even if that’s just a chocolate candy bar.