Why Do We Have A Dress Code?
Whether you go with the mainstream flow and like to wear the hottest trends, or like to create a style all your own, what you wear is a key component of expressing yourself. But despite personal taste there are a few rules we are required to follow. While some rules are more obvious, such as not revealing your gang related tattoos, sometimes the dress code has us scratching our heads as to why some rules the way that they are. I interviewed the one and only Eric Fox (who has been here for the past 25 years) to help answer some of Jenks High Schools questions to help you students better understand the Jenks Public School dress code.Why do we have a dress code?“I believe it's in the first line of the dress code where it says ‘A student’s appearance should not distract classmates from the important task of learning. Because a relationship between one’s appearance and behavior does exist and because an appropriately dressed student is better accepted by his/her peers, attire for students must be reasonable, modest, and in such style that it will not cause distraction,’” says Fox.How does the handbook establish a connection between dress code and behavior? “The board recognizes that there is a connection and as administrator should always try to protect the learning environment its reason we’re all here so we can learn. Since there is a connection we want to make sure we do everything we can to have a very positive learning environment,” says Fox.Would Jenks ever adopt a uniform policy like our Tulsa public neighbors?“You know what, this is my 25th here at Jenks and in that time, you know, it has been a suggestion at different times to look into having a uniform here at Jenks. I don't think it's anything that the board is interested in pursuing at this point but it has been talked about for a wide variety of reasons. You know there's some research out there that says schools that have school uniform policy see reduction of bullying practices they see a redemption in fights and theft and some other things. You know there's a body of research out there in academia that talks about the benefits of having a school uniform policy. For right now [everyone] is comfortable with the stance that we have that they don't feel like there's a need to go to some sort of uniform policy,” says Fox.
DID YOU KNOW?Back in the 1970’s jenks high schools policy prohibited a couple iconic looks such as ‘scooter skirts’ and ‘hip huggers’![]() ![]() |
Fact or Myth?Jenks high school used to hold a weekly assembly where each male student’s hair was measured. If it went past the collar of their shirt, they were sent home for a haircut.FACT! |
Tulsa Public Schools: I was able to Interview a Tulsa public school principal on its dress code policy. Here, expressing yourself through your clothes is a bit more difficult because they require a uniform. Despite only being 20 minutes apart, our schools have widely different dress codes, but they seem to serve the same purpose. Why do you have a uniform as your dress code?“This dress code is established by the Tulsa board and, while some element may change from school to school, ours is established for two main purposes,” says Tulsa Public Principal. “One, to develop a community among the students and staff; and second, to be dressed in a manner that displays school pride as the school will have visitors and work with higher education, business, and community partners on a regular and frequent basis.”Are there special occasions where a student may be allowed to wear clothes outside of the uniform?“There are some occasions for example here at Hale we have ‘Spirit Fridays’ students, and even the teachers are allowed to wear jeans, provided they wear a spirit shirt and the jeans are appropriate. They may also wear a spirit shirt any day of the week provided their pants or skirt conform to the uniform policy,” says Tulsa Public Principle.
Fun Facts about Tulsa Public’s dress code:
By Mary Jackson